Return Of Bike Bum Blogger

It's been a year or so since I last posted something here. At the time, I had left my job and the security that offered, I was in a country where I barely spoke the language and I was trying to pursue a professional cycling contract with absolutely no idea what I was doing. What …

Avoiding Friction

‘’You’re tired, whatever.’’   As most cyclists know, this is probably the most common phrase heard from our other halves in response to whatever moody utterance we have made post ride. Queue: World War Ten only, without the physical violence please as I’m too weak to get up… ''How best are we to deal with …

Dealing With Obstacles

Below is a post I wrote when I was returning to France after a weekend back in England. It was the weekend of these insta photos. Anyway I will deal with the events behind this post another day. All I can say is that this is acutely relevant given I am recovering after a particularly nasty …